Pride in the Workplace with Lesley Stahl

On June 25, 2013, Freedom to Marry founder and President Evan Wolfson was interviewed by Lesley Stahl, correspondent for 60 Minutes, at "Pride in the Workplace," an event from New York City Pride week sponsored by McGraw-Hill Financial in partnership with CBS. 

Evan discussed the two landmark lawsuits concerning the freedom to marry - Windsor v. United States and Hollingsworth v. Perry - on the eve of the U.S. Supreme Court's historic ruling to strike down the so-called Defense of Marriage Act and dismiss the Proposition 8 case, restoring the freedom to marry in California. 

Evan commented on the event last week in a statement. He said: 

As we come together to mark both Gay Pride and, we hope, two good marriage rulings from the Supreme Court, it's a good time to celebrate the tremendous progress we have made in Freedom to Marry's campaign to win marriage nationwide. There's much to celebrate, and much still left to do. Freedom to Marry is eager to share our winning strategy far and wide, harness momentum from the coming Supreme Court rulings, and get more people talking and plugged into the ways of moving forward, so together we finish the job and ensure that all Americans can share in the freedom to marry.

Don't miss the great conversation. The interview begins around the 8-minute mark.